
November 5, 2024,12:34 pm

MoU Signing Ceremony to Advance Sustainability in Bangladesh’s Tannery Sector

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leathergoods, and Footwear Exporters’ Association (BFLLFEA), 23 BFLLFEA member factories from Savar Tannery Industrial […]
October 16, 2024,11:01 am

ETI Bangladesh and Fair Wear Foundation Host Webinar on Promoting Suppliers’ Voice in Purchasing Practices

ETI Bangladesh and Fair Wear Foundation hosted a webinar on 15 October 2024, focused on enhancing suppliers’ voices in purchasing practices. 166 representatives from 96 factories […]
August 29, 2024,1:57 pm

Consultations with RMG Factories Discussed Situation during Recent Political Unrest and Natural Calamities

“ETI Bangladesh Consultations with Factories” discussed recent experiences, challenges, measures and best practices of RMG factories during recent political turmoil and ongoing flood situation.