Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Bangladesh, in partnership with Ethical Trade Norway (ETN) and Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) is implementing a project titled “Decent work, gender equality and climate resilience - building a future for Bangladesh RMG workers”. This project is supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). One of the components of the project includes implementing a pilot initiative on Green Social Dialogue in Bangladesh's RMG sector. The pilot aims to sensitize workers, management and worker representatives, to address climate risks through social dialogue mechanisms.
To make RMG workers' and civil society representatives sensitized to engage on the impacts of climate change on RMG workers
- RMG factory management, worker representatives and general workers are capacitated to identify climate change related issues within their workplace and to prioritize them for action through workplace-based social dialogue.
- Pilot factories are sensitized and capacitated to mainstream climate change related issues in the existing social dialogue process for improved industrial relations.
- RMG factory workforces in the pilot factories have increased their awareness of the impact of climate change to allow them to collectively contribute to the reduction of the impact of climate change and contribute to environmental sustainability.
- Relevant stakeholders are more engaged in the debate on the impact of climate change on RMG workers through learning and evidence-based discussions among multi-stakeholders, facilitated by ETI Bangladesh.
June 2022- December 2024
- Conduct a baseline survey in 10 RMG factories and select 5 factories for programme interventions.
- Develop capacity-building and awareness-raising tools. Conduct capacity-building sessions for management, worker committee members, and general workers in four key areas: climate change, sustainable waste and water resource management, energy conservation, and social dialogue
- Develop resource persons for peer-learning education to engage the entire workforce.
- Launch awareness-raising campaigns, develop BCC materials, and facilitate special day celebrations (World Environment Day).
- Provide advisory support to factories to create climate action plans that involve both workers and management.
- Engage broader range of stakeholders through knowledge-sharing events and a multistakeholder working group.