August 27, 2023,4:32 pm
ETI Bangladesh, in a dedicated effort to improve the rights and well-being of workers, particularly women, in the Ready-Made Garment (RMG) industry, organized two factory consultations on 22 and 24 August 2023.
August 8, 2023,3:54 pm
The quarterly meeting of the ETI Bangladesh Brand Members’ Forum took place on August 7, 2023, in Dhaka. Eighteen representatives from sixteen well-known RMG brands attended this meeting to discuss collective approaches to improving industrial relations in the Bangladesh RMG industry.
June 7, 2023,12:11 pm
Five RMG factories under the JETI Green Social Dialogue Programme celebrated the World Environment Day 2023. The celebration aimed to raise awareness of the importance of environmental conservation and foster a sense of responsibility among the RMG workforce towards the planet. ETI Bangladesh, in partnership with ETI Norway provided technical and advisory support to organize this event.