“ETI Bangladesh Brand Members’ Forum” meeting was held on 9 January 2025, bringing together 18 representatives from 15 Ready Made Garments (RMG) brands. The forum offered participants a platform to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing Bangladesh’s RMG sector during this time of transition.
In the first segment of the event, ETI Bangladesh gave an overview of its ongoing and upcoming programmes and projects in 2025. These included ETI’s flagship social dialogue programme and gender sensitive workplace programme – both supported by ETI member brands , ILO Better Work Bangladesh supported gender-based violence mitigation programme - “Initiatives on functional complaint committee”, GIZ supported living wage focused social dialogue programme, Norwegian government supported green social dialogue programme, Dutch government supported Sustainable Textile Initiative: Together for Change (STITCH) , ETI’s first leather sector programme “Improving environmental and social condition in the Savar tannery estate” supported by FCDO, UK government; and “Promoting just transition and environmental sustainability in the Bangladesh RMG Industry (phase – 2)” project.
In the second segment, the participants shared their insights on challenges and opportunities for business during this transition period of the country. They made recommendations to be shared with the policy makers. They highlighted different areas those need attention of the government bodies for ensuring labour rights and for supporting business.
The event ended with collecting brand representatives’ expectations and aspirations from this forum in 2025 and determining action points.