On 5 June 2024, Ethical Trading Initiative Bangladesh celebrated World Environment Day with series of activities. These activities aimed to raise environmental awareness and foster sustainable practices involving workers among factories. Building upon last year’s celebration which involved 5 factories, this year’s activities reached 1,67,017 workers across more than 72 factories from ETI member brands’ supply chains.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) celebrates this day globally each year. This year's theme of World Environment Day by UNEP was, "Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration".
The preparatory work began through consultation webinar hosted on 14 May by ETI Bangladesh on HREDD and celebration for World Environment Day 2024 in factories. This webinar included 122 representatives from 57 factories. Participants discussed detailed plans for their individual factory events, which included rallies, tree plantations, seminars, awareness campaigns etc. ETI Bangladesh invited these factories to collaborate in the celebration of World Environment Day.
ETI Bangladesh published a poster encouraging the establishment of worker inclusive environment friendly factories, safe working conditions, and sustainable development. This poster was distributed in 76 factories. Over 80 Ffactories received digital materials including two audio songs, a video, a poster, a banner, and a speech that was announced throughout factories via PA systems with message about climate change and sustainability.
Factories observed this day with a celebratory spirit through various activities including seminars, rallies within factory premises and surrounding areas, and tree plantation at factory premises and local primary schools. Audio songs provided by ETI were broadcasted over PA systems. Special initiatives were also undertaken, such as donating plants to a local NGO, producing t-shirt with recycle materials containing awareness messages, replacing plastic water bottles with glass ones, establishing breathing zone in factory premises, setting up compost point to recycle food waste. ETI team members joined 8 factories to celebrate the day.
A dedicated LinkedIn post was shared on ETI Bangladesh’s LinkedIn page to reach wider audience.
These efforts not only raised awareness but also inspired commitment on climate action within the factories. The involvement of workers in these activities demonstrated an inclusive commitment to environmental conservation. Factory management emphasized worker involvement, collective contribution, and a sense of business responsibility in their communications.