Khaleda Akhter
Khaleda Akhter has 16 years+ of experience in leading, coordinating and implementing non-profit and humanitarian interventions in Bangladesh. Her transformable skill set cover planning, organising and managing programme-related activities as well as developing and delivering training courses and facilitating workshops and consultations.
Before joining ETI BD in 2024, she worked at BRAC Social Empowerment and Legal Protection Programme (SELP), BRAC Integrated Development Programme (IDP), Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Bangladesh Delegation, and Mass Line Media Centre (MMC), Bangladesh.
She achieved her Post Graduate Diploma in Development Planning in Bangladesh (PGDDP) from the National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD) under the Ministry of Public Administration and Master of Business Studies (MBS) from Eden Mohila College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.