June 6, 2023,12:45 pm
June 6, 2023,12:45 pm
ETI organized a consultation event with the local representatives of brands on 31 May 2023 in Dhaka. 16 participants representing 13 brands participated in the event.
May 22, 2023,12:57 pm
May 22, 2023,12:57 pm
A working group comprising of different stakeholders has been formed aiming at incorporating stakeholders’ insights into the green social dialogue pilot programme. This collaboration among stakeholders is expected to contribute to strengthening the impact of the Green Social Dialogue programme and promote consolidated learning in the industry.
March 7, 2023,11:55 am
March 7, 2023,11:55 am
ETI and GIZ launched the study report on Declining Women Workers in the Bangladesh RMG Industry
December 29, 2022,3:01 pm
December 29, 2022,3:01 pm
A participatory review of ETI’s gender sensitive workplace programme experience was carried out jointly by participating factories, brands and ETI programme team in a consultation workshop, where they also determined potential future steps to sustain the practices and impacts
December 13, 2022,2:58 pm
December 13, 2022,2:58 pm
16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence is an annual global campaign aiming at eliminating all forms of gender based violence. In Bangladesh RMG sector, where around 60% of the workforce is female, this campaign is of utmost importance. Like previous years,
December 8, 2022,3:24 pm
December 8, 2022,3:24 pm
‘Social dialogue and freedom association are interlinked, one cannot be ensured without the other, and both are indispensable for an improved industrial relationship and better business’ - said the speakers at the roundtable discussion on freedom of association and social dialogue.
November 9, 2022,4:56 am
November 9, 2022,4:56 am
A quarterly meeting of Gender Based Violence Platform held on 8 November 2022 at ETI Bangladesh office. A total of 15 participants from BRAC, ILO, GIZ, BSR, Christian Aid, Fair Wear Foundation and ETI participated in the meeting.
October 26, 2022,12:16 pm
October 26, 2022,12:16 pm
Promotion of female leadership in the RMG sector of Bangladesh requires a collective approach where the respective stakeholders primarily NGOs, INGOs, Business Associations, Suppliers, Brands, federations, Government, MSIs need to work in their respective territories to create a cohesive plan and jointly decide their facilitative roles...
October 19, 2022,4:58 am
October 19, 2022,4:58 am
ETI Bangladesh and Mondiaal FNV jointly organized a workshop with the representatives of IndustriAll Bangladesh Council (IBC) Women Forum on 18 October 2022 at ETI Bangladesh conference room.
September 27, 2022,10:09 am
September 27, 2022,10:09 am
ETI Bangladesh and Fair Wear Foundation organized a webinar on promoting suppliers’ voice in purchasing practices and celebration of UN 16 days of activism on September 27, 2022. A total of 197 participants (35 female, 162 male) from 103 garment factories in Bangladesh...
September 5, 2022,3:57 am
September 5, 2022,3:57 am
Joint Ethical Trading Initiative Bangladesh organized a gender learning webinar titled Learnings and Perspectives on Gender Sensitivity in Garment Factories in Bangladesh. The one and a […]
May 18, 2022,8:31 am
May 18, 2022,8:31 am
Two MOUs have been signed between BKMEA and STITCH Consortium on – a) Promoting Gender Sensitive Workplace; and b) Making Logical Price Negotiation with Brands by using “Fair Price App” across BKMEA Member Factories. The signing ceremony took place on 23 August 2022 at The Westin hotel in Dhaka.