A multi-stakeholder event titled “Buyer-Supplier Roundtable: Pathways to Responsible Practices and Higher Wages in Bangladesh” was organised on 22 January 2025 in Dhaka. With support from GIZ, the event was organised jointly by Ethical Training Initiative (ETI) Bangladesh, Fair Labor Association (FLA) and Partnership for Sustainable Textile (PST).
After welcome speech by GIZ representative Carla Dohmwirth, overviews of FLA implemented project “Navigating Wage Dynamics in Bangladesh” and ETI implemented project “Driving improvements in living wage through freedom of association and social dialogue” were shared. This was followed by a training session on “Worker Wages and Responsible Purchasing Practices”. After that, representatives from four brands presented their work in this regard. The suppliers also highlighted their perspectives and measures. In the second half of the day, one segment of the participants participated in a Buyer-Supplier Action Plan Workshop; the other segment discussed challenges, enabling factors and role of different actors in implementing living wage in RMG industry.
The presenters and the facilitators of the event included Chaimae Azmi, Tiffany Rogers and Hannah Larson from FLA and Abil Bin Amin, Ahmed Abu Sufian and Taposh Barua from ETI Bangladesh along with Kate Miller from KMD Brands, Viola Wan from PUMA, Fatima Chowdhury from Tchibo and Farah Marzan from RAPID.